Richard Phillips
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Meanwhile the pirates still holding Captain Richard Phillips hostage in a lifeboat .
Richard Phillips was rescued Sunday after members of an Navy unit shot and killed three of his
It is unclear when Richard Phillips will be reunited with his family , although they have spoken by telephone .
Captain Richard Phillips gave himself up to save his crew and for that he is being called a hero . We .
Richard Phillips was eventually rescued in an operation co-ordinated by the American navy , in which snipers killed his assailants .
Richard Phillips , a career coach and owner of Advantage Career Solutions , recommends making sure you have documentation for changes such as these , in case there 's a question at review time .
Richard Phillips Feynman establishes the first floor of new physics building with his set of scientific original discoveries in the twentieth century , profoundly and continually influencing the way of physicists think and interprets the nature and universe .
Five days after being rescued at sea , a hero 's welcome will greet Captain Richard Phillips today in his hometown . He is on his way back to Underhill , Vermont from Kenya .